Monday, 14 March 2011

Some Art Deco work i did at College (Photoshop)


Kristen Victoria said...

WOW I absolutely love your stuff! That's a great font too... was that a project where you had to create your own font? If so, it's fabulous... if not, then you just have great taste :) Thanks for following my blog- I'm now a follower of yours as well. Hope to see more of your work soon!

Kerry Lauren said...

Thankyou :)
I made the font because it went with my work, i cant remember what we had to do, i think we were just given a word and we had to do work to do with it or something, i like Art Deco, so i made the font. :)
Thankyou for following :)

LAMeir said...

Avert thine eyes.